Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Fred Meyer Deals Jan 1 - 7

Foster Farms Whole Fryers on sale $.88/lb

New York Steaks on sale $5.99/lb

Wild Alaska True Cod Fillets on sale $4.99/lb

Fresh Selections or Fresh Express Salad Kits or Blends on sale $1

Cauliflower on sale $.88/lb 

Texas Red Grapefruit on sale $.33 each

Roma Tomatoes on sale $.88/lb
Spinach on sale $.98 each

Braeburn, Cameo or Jonagold Apples on sale $.78/lb

Organic Navel Oranges on sale $.88/lb

Kiwi on sale $.25 each

Cucumbers or Green Bell Peppers on sale $.68 each

Organic Red or Yukon Gold Potatoes (3 lb bag) on sale $2.50

Fred Meyer Yogurt (6 oz) on sale $.33 with weekly ad coupon (limit 9)

Earth’s Best Organic Baby Food (4 oz) on sale $.69 with weekly ad coupon (limit 10)
Buy 6
Use $1/6 Fred Meyer eCoupon
or $1/7 coupon
$.52 each after coupons when you buy 6
*this is a good price for organic baby food outside of the BBRU sale when it’s $.50

Starbucks (11-12 oz) coffee on sale $6.99 with weekly ad coupon (limit 2)
Buy 2
Use $3/2 coupon from 12/4 SS insert
$5.49 each after coupons when you buy 2

Tide Laundry Detergent: Liquid (50 oz), Powder (42-56 oz), In-Wash (16 ct), or Stain Release (36 oz) on sale $4.99 with weekly ad coupon (limit 2)
Use $2/1 Fred Meyer eCoupon or $2/1 Home Mailer coupon or $2/1 coupon from 1/1 P&G insert
$2.99 after coupons
*This is a good price if you’re almost out.

Downy Fabric Softener (41-51 oz) or Bounce Fabric Softener (90-105 ct) on sale $3.99 with weekly ad coupon (limit 2)
Use $1/1 Fred Meyer eCoupon or $1.50/2 coupon from 1/1 P&G insert
As low as $2.99 after coupons

Thanks Frugal Living NW for the write up!

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