Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Last Day of the Month Clean Up (Coupons that Is!)

It's the last day of the month, so that means 2 things - get rid of your expired coupons and print any coupons that are currently on the web before they reset.

DON'T throw out your unused/expired coupons.  Some of you know that Columbia Gorge Coupon Mommy is a drop off location for Coups for Troops.  All expired coupons get sent to a military family in need overseas for them to use on base when they grocery shop.  If interested in participating with this program, please email columbiagorgecouponmommy@gmail.com for more information or an address to send coupons to.

PRINT any last minute coupons while you can. Online coupon sites are switching coupons around tonight, so the one that you "thought could wait until I got ink" might not be there tomorrow.  Here are direct links to the best coupon print sites.  You can also find these in my Printable coupon tab on my site by clicking HERE.

Happy Couponing! :-)

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