Thursday, November 1, 2012

TruKid Hero Stick Review

Some of my readers know that I have a special needs daughter. Amongst her mental and and physical issues, she also has eczema.  Flare ups as the seasons change are sometimes so severe we end up in the Emergency Room for a steroid shot.  We as a family try to be vigelent of circumstances that contribute to her eczema, such as fragrances and detergents, but we can't keep her in a bubble 24/7.

I was glad to be given the opportunity to try and American made, organic, gluten free product designed to "kiss" the itchies away.  This product is on the market and known as TruKid Hero Stick.  TruKid Hero Stick advertises that they "will save the day by making the "hurties" go away!" You can apply it to not only eczema patches, but bug bites, rashes, small scrapes, and cuts too.  When trying it out, it goes on smooth like a fine, super-sized chap stick. Leaves no oily residue or color. Just a nice sheen over your skin.  It smells good too.  That is because it is made out of natural products such as Balm of Gilead, Calendula and Plantain Lea. There are no artificial colors or fragrances in this product at all, which I love the most!

To read more about this product or other TruKid products, you can visit them on their website, Facebook, or Twitter. You are sure to like this product as much as I do (my daughter tolerates it as well, which is a VERY good thing).

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