Saturday, March 2, 2013

March Full of Holidays

Ever notice that more and more "observed" or "national recognized" days are popping up?  Take a look at some of the recognized days for the month of March.

1st - Employee Appreciation Day, National Pig Day, National Salesperson Day, Peanutbutter Lover's Day
2nd - Old Stuff Day
3rd - National Anthem Day
4th - Hug a GI Day
6th - Dentist's Day
7th - Cereal Day
8th -  International Women's Day
9th - Panic Day
10th - Girl Scout Sunday
11th - Johnny Appleseed Day
16th - National Quilting Day
14th - World Kidney Day, National Potato Chip Day, National Pi Day (3.14....)
17th - St. Patrick's Day
19th - Poultry Day
20th - Spring Begins!
22nd - National Goof Off Day
24th - Palm Sunday
25th - Waffle Day
26th - Passover Begins
27th - National Joe Day
28th - Holy Thursday
29th - Good Friday
30th - National Doctor's Day
31st - Easter

What's your favorite day in March?


  1. Wow I never new of half of these! Very cool! Thank you for sharing!

  2. I only knew a few of these. Thanks for the heads up!

  3. This is great. thank you. I didn't know about all these.
